Se invita a la comunidad de ALES a presentar propuestas para participar del Congreso Internacional de Escritura a través del Currículum (IWAC 2020), que se celebrará del 3-6 de junio de 2020 en la Universidad Estatal de Colorado en Fort Collins, Colorado (Estados Unidos).
La fecha límite para enviar resúmenes es el 14 de octubre de 2019 y se debe realizar a través del sitio web. Por dudas o consultas, escribir a [email protected] A continuación se encuentra la convocatoria en inglés. IWAC 2020 Call for Proposals On behalf of the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum and the conference advisory board, I’m pleased to announce the call for proposals for the 2020 International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference. The conference will be held June 3rd through 6th at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado. This conference marks the 50th anniversary of the first WAC seminar, which was led by Barbara Walvoord at Central College in the 1969-1970 academic year. We look forward to marking this important anniversary with sessions that address the broad categories of celebrating successes, recognizing challenges, offering critique, and advancing innovation. We seek your help in creating a rich set of presentations, roundtables, workshops, and teaching demonstrations and hope that you will consider spending time with us in the foothills of the beautiful (especially in June) Rocky Mountains. You can learn more about the conference at You can submit proposals at The deadline for proposals is Monday evening, October 14th, 2019. We seek proposals in the following general areas. You can view the full call for proposals on the conference and proposal websites.
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Agosto 2023